Oct 5, 2023
It’s a question every car owner will ask themselves one day, particularly after an expensive bill from the mechanic: should I repair or replace my car? The answer isn’t as straightforward as you’d think. Here, the team at Central Coast Auto Recovery explain whether...
Sep 27, 2023
Nobody wants to break down while driving. It’s stressful, inconvenient and simply annoying. Not even we, whose business it is to respond to broken down vehicles, want you to have a break down! Now that’s saying something. To prove these good intentions from the team...
Aug 21, 2023
Broken down on a busy road? Had a bingle on your way to work? Got a ‘project’ that’s been sitting in your backyard for months, or even years? There’s a quick, easy solution to all of these automobile dilemmas – and that’s getting the car towed by a team of pros. But...
Jul 12, 2023
Ah, insurance. The most thrilling, joyful part of everyone’s life, right? Well, no – not exactly. But dealing with insurance companies is a whole lot better than not having insurance at all! After you call up your local legends at Central Coast Auto Recovery and get...
Jun 15, 2023
Speeding, tailgating, texting while driving, hooning… it seems as though every day, you can see poor and unsafe driving behaviour on our roads. But the chances are, if you’re on this blog, you’re already a pretty safe driver. Why? Because you’ve actually bothered to...
May 5, 2023
Roadside emergencies. You’d hate to have one. But more than that, you’d hate to have one when you’re unprepared. You can’t tell when you’re going to have a roadside emergency. That’s why you have to be totally prepared for the event if and when one occurs. But...